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Project information

A think tank hosting an interdisciplinary network to provide knowledge support to EU energy policy making

I.J. Pérez-Arriaga A. González-García C. Batlle

June 2010 - December 2013

Funding entity Comisión Europea

Participated by European University Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, TECHNOFI SA, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico S.p.A., Universita Commerciale ´Luigi Bocconi´, Technische Universitat Berlin, Politechnika Lodzka, Potsdam Instititut fuer Klimafolgenforschung, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Fondazione eni Enrico Mattei, Universitetet Oslo, Kuhbier Sprl, Fundacao Gomes Teixeira, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Lunds Universitet, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems

The three year coordinating action THINK will improve the knowledge support to policy making by the European Commission in the context of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan. THINK is organized around a multidisciplinary group of 24 experts covering five dimensions of energy policy: science and technology, market and network economics, regulation, law, and policy implementation. The Think Tank will respond to the European Commission's evolving needs on a semester basis and produce 12 dossiers and a book.

Project funded by European Union, within Seventh Framework Programme: